Fascinating 16mm Films of Japan, Hong Kong and Asia From the Last Century
A collection of old films gets new life.
Cornel West and Abby Martin Analyze the Black Radical Political Tradition
This week’s episode of Empire Files features Abby Martin conducting a one-on-one interview with Dr. Cornel West to analyze the Black radical political tradition.
Peter Santilli Speaks Out From Jail Following Oregon Arrest
A letter from Santilli in jail.
The Empire’s War on the Border – Full Documentary by Abby Martin
In 2014 alone, nearly 47,000 children without parents were arrested while crossing into the US from Mexico
China Tries to Be Hip With Its Latest Political Propaganda Songs
Chinese propaganda gets an upgrade. Check out these videos.
Radical Science, Inquiry & Unified Field Theory w/Jamie Janover
Eric Scott Pickard and Patrick Ryan talk with Jamie Janover about the Unified Field Theory of Nassim Haramein, as well as physics and science in general and the culture of Scientism and dogmatism that pervades modern mainstream culture.
Anonymous: “We Stand with Ammon Bundy”
Anonymous says they stand with Bundy.
Technology helps teach Navajo in new ways
Language learning software developers help endangered languages.
Teen who posed in racial photo apologizes at rally
Girl who used tape to spell racial slur on shirt apologizes.
Thousands of Nuclear Weapons Detonated Since 1945
There’s a whole bunch you don’t know about the frequency and extent of nuclear testing.